Membership Committee July 15th 2024

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Attendance: Nicole J, Nicole L, John, Ross. Notes by Nicole J.

1. Recruitment: Want to get membership up to 5 more members.

  • Anne - interest in joining this board or other board? (Nicole to reach out)
  • Backup for Secretary to support lead secretary or use of recording feature and AI notetaking.
  • Find representations in Conventions, Events, Retailer people, Community organizers
  • Orca Con, GeekGirlCon (maybe we can help w/ find F/T needs of volunteers through TGA to support these conventions/volunteers)

2. Meeting time update to: First and Third Mondays, still same time 3pm-4pm

3. Membership: Soft Launch

* Supporting membership level (can't sit on Committees and Workgroups)
*  Equity discount 50% off individual memberships

Fully onboarded, data in Airtable

* Go through the checklist
* Transfer/Export data and copy/paste into the Membership tab of Airtable
* Monthly task of dividing up the work
  • Note that corporate signup could be tricky. We'll have to monitor. We'll want information of individual people from the corporate
  • Hire admin assistant to help w/ that work

Walkthrough of the intake form. Review these items: (Ross)

  • Needs CoC checkbox (Ross)
  • Shared Airtable form

4. Events:

* Events Calendar (Ross sent invite to Chairs and as members request)
* Put in the Membership board meeting (look in my emails) -Nicole J
* Emerging Enterprise, 1st Wednesdays

5. Identified need to provide these written items to John/newsletter describing the Membership Committee.

* value prop created
* mission statement for Membership Committee
* shared TGA flyer w/ John
* Getting started (commitment Nicole J) on benefits
* want a list of benefits to easily consume

6. Commitments, Communications:

  • Write the update, Soft launch and events (Ross)
  • Tokyo Game Market, review write up (Nicole J)
  • Regular monthyl updates in the newsletter, help bring content to John
  • Remove corporate sign up on website (Ross)
  • Review Discord (All)
  • Create and Share Discord sign up details on Wiki. (Nicole to ask Beau to do a guide in the Wiki for Discord sign up)

Next Meeting August 16th