May 31st, 2024

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Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements (5 minutes)

Old Business (35 minutes)

Gen Con / Other TGA activities at Gen Con:

Discuss Arclight meeting and next steps (David)

    David: call with gen con and Arclight and ross and molly, offering help and setup and connection and hospitality

    Ross: Why- hospitality to them from Tokyo GM.

    Nicole: Arclight has interest in media reviewers and such

    David: a possible "japan pavilion" was to be setup, but unknown status

Essen Update / Workgroup Review (Nicole)

    Nicole: SOS talking about the feasibility (commerce's interest and support), pushed this to 2025

    Email sent out, plan to offer initial meeting mid June for 2024 mission and be a point of reference to what a trade mission in.

    Commerce is open to step grant to companies going on their own this year.

    Instead of a 4 month crunch, 16 month plan out and build - costs, schedule - get people prepared for Essen 2025.

    Trainings for larger programs (business meetings, demos, talking to larger publishers, localization, licensing, regional stuff) Helping them be more successful

General support for Visiting Industry Professionals (Ross)

    Chris: invited to be on a panel at PAX West, Nicole ok'd

    Ross: want to setup hangouts - south sound would be nice.

        Game retreat? Make a weekend of it? Panels, activities, learning activities?

    David: Recommend a casual meetup in the Seattle area?

    Beau: I suggested Seattle Indies had an educational event PlaytestNW went to

    David: Gen con trade day has educator opportunities

    Ross: Someone joined TGA of WA! They're a paying member.

New Business (15 minutes)

    Beau: Working with ETX to see if they are interested in a playtest/gama like event with playtestNW

    Nicole: post in Tokyo work group, say thank you to the people we met

Commitments Review (5 minutes)

    Ross: Andy (Arclight?) meeting preps and such

    Ross: industry game meetup night in south sound

    David: Winter gen con meetup investigation

    Nicole: update SOS to invite status on EAT meetings

Set Next Date (2 minutes)

Calendar says June 14

    Beau: out due to dental work