Large Enterprise Meeting Minutes: 12/12/23

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Meeting Minutes

Date: 12/12/23

Time: 10am-11am PST

Location: Zoom


  • Patrick Day
  • Ross Cowman
  • Jordan Weisman
  • Nick Mitchell
  • Brian Lewis


1. New Business (30 minutes)

1.1 Introductions

The meeting began with introductions of the attendees. Nick noted that his participation on behalf of Hasbro is only as an observer at this point.1.2 Large Enterprise Committee Mission

Ross Cowman asked the committee to consider what their mission should be. He suggested as a starting point that they work to develop relationships and advocate for policies and programs that are beneficial to large enterprise.Patrick Day, brought up a goal of positioning Washington state as the center of the board game industry. The focus is on providing incentives for businesses to operate in the state and exploring international ties through trade missions, such as the upcoming mission to Tokyo and possible Essen.Brian Lewis added that the committee should convince the State to give large companies a reason to do business in Washington, suggesting PR strategies to highlight the state as the central hub of tabletop gaming. This includes efforts to bring Carta Mundi to Washington for manufacturing and the potential job creation through incentive systems.Jordan Weisman highlighted the need to balance resource allocation across multiple categories of industry who may sometimes have different or conflicting goals.Nick emphasized that to be effective we will need a cohesive and aligned legislative agenda. He also brought up that other states offer R&D incentives that WA does not. He also added that we should support educational opportunities.1.3 Appointment of Secretary

The appointment of a secretary was discussed, and it was noted that the position needs to be filled.

1.4 2024 Legislative Session (Holly Chisa)

Holly Chisa presented key points for the 2024 Legislative Session, including:

  • R&D Tax Credits
  • Independent Contractor Bills
  • Artificial Intelligence

Discussion points:

  • R&D Tax Credits: Emphasis on creating a cohesive legislative agenda that aligns with the needs of different stakeholders, including game designers, writers, and illustrators. The importance of addressing the issue that big tech is often not included in tax breaks.
  • Independent Contractor Bills: Holly noted that there are several independent contractor bills coming through that will impact the tabletop industry.
  • Jordan emphasized that if Washington is moving towards a similar regulatory environment as California that could make things difficult for the tabletop industry. He also brought up the need to quantify the value of the tabletop industry in Washington state. He also brought up that the tabletop industry is the progenitor of the video games industry and there is a virtuous relationship where both industries feed into each other.
  • Brian brought up that AI is a high emotion subject and that it may be difficult to develop a unified position on it.
  • Ross brought up that one service we can provide is to make sure our membership is informed on these issues and is always free to advocate for their particular positions on their own even if the Trade Org as a whole does not have a unified position.

1.5 Tokyo Trade Mission

The Tokyo Trade Mission was briefly discussed, Ross gave an overview of the mission and it’s goals.

1.6 Recruitment

Recruitment strategies were discussed briefly. It was noted that some work needs to be done to define who should be a part of this committee. Bryan agreed to reach out to Ravensburger, Ross noted that The Pokemon Company International is interested in joining. Ross noted the need to make contact with Card Kingdom.

2. Commitments Review (5 minutes)

*Ross agreed to organize a report on the value / economic impact of the tabletop industry in Washington State

*Bryan agreed to contact Ravensburger about joining

*Patrick Day will set the agenda and organize the next meeting

3. Set Next Date (5 minutes)

The next meeting date was not specified in the notes.Meeting Minutes Prepared By: Ross Cowman (this version is unapproved)