June 17 2024 Executive Board Meeting Notes

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  • Attendance: Ross Cowman, Chris Pramas, Beth Damis, Rei Kong
  • Agenda:
    • Check-ins
    • Committee Review
      • Events and Trade
      • Membership
    • Discord
    • Wiki Access
    • Code of Conduct
    • Commitment Review
  • Events and Trade Committee Review
    • Essen trip with Secretary of State has been postponed for 2024; looking to do in 2025 instead
    • Focus shifted to: What are fun things that can be done locally?
      • post-GenCon meetup in Seattle: co-sponsorship?
      • Ross agreed to host a fall TGA Summit
        • We need event insurance
        • We should reach out to local politicians to get more interest
        • Gala that is outside facing?
  • Membership Committee Review
    • Review of Membership Onboarding Flowchart (in channel)
    • Who has access to the member info?
      • We want to limit the number of people that can access
      • Ross to put together a list of who has access to our digital accounts + set up a way of tracking “digital key holders” on airtable and moving forward will get approval for future keyholders
    • How do we provide legislature updates? Can Holly do this?
      • Newsletter could do this, ramp up when session is in
      • Comms person will manage this, will likely need to be a paid person?
      • Might want to hire a lobbyist in the future
      • Ross to start building more lobbyist relationships and find someone who will volunteer / work for low cost?
    • How soon can we get a comms person?
      • Beth reaching out to someone who might be a good fit, he is interested (John Grant)
      • Ross will connect with John
    • Do we legally need to provide the member anything when they become a member?
      • No
  • Discord?
    • Propose sunsetting Slack and moving to Discord
    • Slack is not affordable with the number of people we organize
    • Over the course of next month, replicate structure onto discord and move official communications
    • Structure to have public channels and member channels
    • Boards/workgroups/meetings will be member only
    • Once we have a critical mass of people with roles functional, we’ll officially sunset Slack
    • Look at Women in Toys, Playtest NW, video game industry group, other non-profits etc Discord
  • Wiki Access to Members only
    • Provides more value to be members only
    • Better to share resources with only team
    • Proposal: Let’s officially move the wiki access to members only
      • Unanimously passed
  • Code of Conduct
    • Reviewed, can now be added to website
    • Propose: Implement as of July 1 and soft launch membership/discord at same time
      • Unanimously approved
  • Commitment Review
    • Rai will have old notes uploaded to wiki for next meeting for review
    • Group will review and approve old notes at next meeting
    • Ross to put together a list of who has access to our digital accounts + set up a way of tracking “digital key holders” on airtable
    • Ross will connect with John Grant (on FB) via Beth introduction
  • Meeting adjourned 5.15pm

[6.17.24 - rtk]