February 2nd, 2024

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January 19th, 2024 @ 10am
Events and Trade Mission Committee
Chair: David Hoppe
Notetaking: Beau Johnson
Attendees: David Hoppe, Chris Pramas, Beau Johnson, Mike Selinker, Sec. Steve Hobbs, Stephanie Prentice, Nicole Jekich

+ Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements (5 minutes)

+ Old Business (45 minutes)

Membership Meeting and February Day on the Hill (2/1/24)
 - Chris: Did our in person meeting, announced election results, it was good.
 - Had game night
 - Steph: Historian was present, and is looking to do a thing about gaming in washington
 - Hobbs: Legislators were happy to us there and very beneficial. (not casinos!)
    - Lessons learn, but it was a good first step
 - Mike: Senator Hasegawa's daughter worked for the american embassy in Tokyo, and was met during the day on the hill. Understood everything we were trying to do in Tokyo GM. Offered herself as a resource
    - Steph: i have her card, I'll reach out

Japan Trip
 - Steph: Lot of booth discussion
 - Only have five companies, Thing 12 dropped out. On the lookout, but we ideally dont want to leave it empty. Asking to fill 2 spots.
 - Mike: We cannot advertising, but otherwise we can add them late
 *** Chris: Reaching out to Kobold Press
 - David: put out a general call to try and fill it?
  - Hobbs: putting out a call myself.
 - Thurs Feb 8, 4pm - Gold Key service: Find out the needs of your comapnies and try and connect you with someone in Japan.
  - Good for all 5 companies to be there, hoping for that 6th
 - Feb 16, Japan Consul General, talking Jpn protocol and such. There will be virtual offered, but you should be there in person.
  - Waiting for the US embassy to fill in those holes (the trade arm to setup meetings for our team, so there are windows being set aside for those meetings)
 - Hobbs: working on the dinner reception. at his residence. minimum of 70, but aerospace companies will be present.
 - During TokyoGM breaks, Hobbs will be working with a delegation in Jpn Aerospace at that time.
 - Protocol: Do not overdress, you get a pass an american.
  - Hobbs: Hope you have a suit, cause you gotta have one.
  - Even nerdy game companies all have suits.
  - Not at the convention, but during the meetings you need to. Execs of companies or the embassy - you need a suit.
  - David: Sport jacket works. Hobbs: One dark suit, different shirts and ties.
  - David: Ties?
   - Steph/Hobbs: yes, but it depends on the meeting
  - Need a business card, Jpn on one side Eng on the other.
   - Dont write on the card!
   - Meeting and exchanging the card
   - Lay the cards out on the table as a name placard
   - Make sure the card is readable (right side up) when handed overdress
 - Rules need Jpn translation! Someone at Tacoma UW college: 20 cents a word?
   *** Mike: the Feb 15th is the deadline. I am translating mine first as a test, early.
 - Steve: any business deals, please let me know. This helps justify the budget granted this time and can help with next years budget.
 - Mike: Booth approved: need furniture, in talks.
  - advertising is going to be revised and sent on monday
  - Asked about addtl advertising, we should not take any as we dont know their effectiveness is
  - Cert of Eligibility: grants us the ability to seel in Japan
   - People want to sell
   - Point of sale person, should have a visa to cover themselves and it is needed for the Cert.
   - Hobbs: something to bring up to the Consul?
    - Mike: they offered the expedite
    - They asked us to ask the other western companies going to complete this process
   - Focus at a later time: storage, transportation of items
   - Step grants: some companies have. Ross and LSGames got theirs. TGA cannot get a step grant "not comfortable with this". LSgames got additional 2k plus. Still paying twice as much as other company going.
    - Reimbursement would be great. TGA will look into membership fees and get that started.
    - Flatout and Cherry picked are in process and will keep watch on it.
    - Nicole is going, but she is going independant since no longer Funko. She could be a TGA social media person. Still in talking
 - Ross: office as a ship out site for anything that's going. Take advantage of that locale. It is in Olympia.  207 4th Ave E, Olympia, WA 98501

Essen 2024

 - Steph: talked to dpt of commerce and want to partner with this and could fund some booths
   - Asked who is interested on our side? Some interested, but we should ask people that have not been on a trade mission get first dibs
 - Hobbs: not ideal this year, but we had to.
   - "booth was cheap" was a good sign they are interested
 - Hobbs: Still in planning stages, do not talk to commerce about this
 - Booths dues in April, and it happens fast
 - Essen is a bigger show 190k, over TokyoGM (30-50k?)
 - No translators
   - Chris has a connection for translation
- Commerce would offer step grants to approve for this.
- Mike: Kobold press should do this
 *** Chris: I'll ask him
      - Steph: Ask about Japan and Essen
 - Hobbs: depending on political situation... Cartimundi is offering a visit
    - Bare min: fly in, fly out
 - Gencon will be at esssen, but David may not be there.
   - Carol Rapp, new head of essen. Any issues, let David know. They have known each other for some time.
 - Hobbs: German govt is excited we're going

+ New Business (15 minutes)

Tacoma Lunch and Learn (Ross)

- Ross not present.

Steph: Held off talking about this, but Monday, March 25th is a game night
 - 8 confirmed legislators going to different companies
 - Lunch hour at Bellevue Archives, bellevue college.
   - We're invited to the lunch hour
   - Announcment in TGA-general slack channel

Set Next Date (5 minutes)

Feb 15th!

+ Steph: after our EAT meeting, 11:30am:We have TokyoGM meetings with companies going to touch base and updates on TokyoGM trip.