February 26th, 2024

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Ross, Nicole L., Nicole J.

Acting Secretary: Nicole J.

Review Code of Conduct updates, confirm approval?

  • Nicole L provided context, edits to the board’s comments.
  • Board reviewed 3/4 of the Code of Conduct. At the next meeting CoC likely will be confirmed
  • Scope of governance is a big decision and discussion point. Really want to limit to the TGA specific events. Thorny issues but need wiggle room to make decisions and keep a safe community. See section 1 for edits, from the board.
  • Membership discussed and agreed with edits. The board will fold in new statements.
  • Nicole J: a future add for a vision statement. Aspiration of how people should act and be professional in the org. Share values, goals, and vision. What is the purpose behind the TGA.
  • Speak to the vision, mission, goals for the org in different ways so people understand and can be on the same page.
  • “Don’t pee in the pool.” We are a collective/communal industry

Playtest NW (town hall mtg at Mox to discuss folding operations into the tga)

  • Attend a town hall - 6pm, Wednesday, March 13th. Meet n greet with Ross and others from the org to attend. Nicole J. Can attend.
  • Been discussing w/ Beau and Doug to fold PNW operations as a program.
  • There are concerns are governance but advantages of administration, financial responsibility, and aspects of being goverened.
  • Discussion points: how does budget work? Maybe % of designer fees goes to the org?

Outline membership work for March, April, May

  • March push for Membership drive. What do we need to get started?
  • Two common conversation topics (based on Ross’ experience tableing at the Tacoma Lunch and Learn and chatting with attendees.)
  • What is the TGA?
  • What are your interests in tabletop games?
  • I use games professional. (I’m a teacher, therapist)
  • I’m a community organizer
  • I make stuff for games (illustrator, game designer)
  • Answer: what does the TGA do that’s worth $120 : Value prop
  • How can we help ppl write better contracts?
  • Get good jobs?
  • Access to resources (developmental)
  • For organizers (how can
  • For publishers can we connect to community organizers WoTC ground game/WGL but for local game designers.

Interview 30/60/90

  • 30 days: what are the pitches for the members of these different categories. Recruit
  • 60 days: how do we get the message out. Communications.
  • 90 days: how do we administer these resources and programs. Member categories does have their own board.
  • Use Membership to collaborate as multi-category committee to create the structure, programs, etc that add the value to the org.

Game Designers and communities Informational interviews: Educators or organizer as individual membership Can’t have government organizers join the TGA. Likely self-selecting of members.

Current categories and their assumed wants:

  • Creative professionals, hobbyists - find gigs, advocate for artists, professional support and development
  • Large Enterprise - lobbying, professional development for their employees
  • Organizers - (not discussed)
  • Publishers - (not discussed)
  • Educators, Teachers, Scholars - paid to do research, academic goals or networking for jobs, internships,
  • Retailers - (not discussed)
  • Distributors - (not discussed)
  • Tribes - data sovereignty (songs, images), economic development for their community, seat at the table, real representation and power/equity

Potential people:

  • Lyla Ross
  • Kyndra (follow up w/ Connor)
  • Reach out to Gabby again


  • Set up a 30/60/90 plan
  • Assign
  • Noted that Gama is the first week of March. Nicole L will be out until next meeting.
  • Next meeting confirmed for Monday, March 11th.