Executive Board: July 15 2024

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  • Attendance: Ross Cowman, Chris Pramas, Beth Damis, Rei Kong, Lyla Ross, John Grant
  • Agenda:
    • Check-ins
    • Notes Review
    • Commitment Review
    • Review of Member Levels
    • Commitment Review
  • Notes Review
    • Approved.
  • Commitment Review
    • Ross to finish setting up a way of tracking “digital key holders” on airtable - complete
    • Beth to complete Code of Conduct review - complete
    • Ross to make changes to membership level names - complete
    • For anyone who is getting corporate memberships, send Ross their employees so he can get them set up - amendment: will create a spreadsheet to give to corp to fill out (will be more efficient)
  • Soft Launch Review
    • https://www.tabletopgamealliance.org/shop/
    • Corporate Affiliate Non-Voting Membership is not on the page to reduce confusion
    • Demo of the shop
    • Membership is a year from when you join
    • Checkout needs to be styled
    • Individual Voting Membership: equity discount is live
    • Corporate Membership could use some additional verbiage
    • Soft launch now, hard launch next month/forever
  • Corporate Affiliate - New Employee Workflow
    • Is there a CRM? It’s Airtable!
    • Intake form: https://airtable.com/appoJfzquIxPV2MGR/pagshz3GLhiC7qsGP/form
    • Reviewed intake form
    • Put a note for non-profits (who cannot lobby) that their participation is still being explored
    • Proposal: We do a soft launch for all except non-profits
      • Approved unanimously
  • Commitment Review
    • Ross is going to fix the checkout button
    • Lyla is to research if non-profit membership in the TGA will violate any lobbying laws or guidelines
  • Meeting adjourned 5:02pm