Event and Trade: November 17, 2023

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Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements (5 minutes)
Old Business (45 minutes)
    Hops with Hobbs: TGAW pre-event readout (ALL: Any commentary?)
    February Day on the Hill and Membership Meeting
        Confirmed: 2/1
        Update on logistics (Ross)
    Japan Trip:
        Report from Tokyo Game Market Workgroup (Mike)
        Update from Stephanie/Sec. Hobbs (if in attendance)
        Update on company applications/screening (Nicole)
        Additional marketing to the membership
        Step Grants and EVP update
        Next Steps
New Business (15 minutes)
Commitments Review (5 minutes)
    Old Commitments Check:
        Mike to lead workgroup
        Nicole to develop trip acceptance criteria
        All to try to attend HwH
    New Commitments Review
Set Next Date (5 minutes)
    Calendar says December 1
November 17th, 2023 @ 10am
Events and Trade Mission Committee
Notetaking: Beau Johnson
Attendees: David Hoppe, Ross Cowman, Nicole Jesich, Chris Pramas, Beau Johnson, Sec. Steve Hobbs, Stephanie Prentice, Mike Selinker
Chair: David Hoppe

*** are Commitments
~~~ are deeper notes about commitment ("wont do" items, etc)

Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements (5 minutes)

Old Business (45 minutes)
- Hops with Hobbs: TGAW pre-event readout (ALL: Any commentary?)
    - Good time had by all
- February Day on the Hill and Membership Meeting
    - Ross was the point person, but absent, so skipping (no one else had updates)
- Japan trip
    - They are giving us the space requested (not the accidental revised version)
    - 10 meter by 10 meter "table"
    - 6 companies demoing at a time
    - in the middle, a display area (glasstop cabinets, with two shelves, load that up 10 or 20 companies stuff "what we make in washington state")
    - We can show off what they want in this cabinet
    - Two flat tables and two stand up rounds, but presumed that people wanted sit down tables
    - Backwall also a display area
    - Storage area in between the backwall and cabinet
        - could be used as an exclusive area for meetings or private game or something.
    - Booth package is a solid wall, but we can ask to have that be taken out.
    - If we're not against a wall at the convention, we lose the backwall
    - another design was done if we were in the middle of the convention.
    - Beau: "Can we ask for against the wall? How would our placement be determined?"
        - The "Size 1" booth is what we got
        - but, the booth  
    - Looking into Sales license
        - If so, work with WotC Japan to borrow a register or money keeping device
    - Steph: Our executive team is a little shaky on this, asking on money during an election year
        - They did approve it
        - Secretary, two staff, (approval) 1500$ for translator ("2 days, 1 translator was 1000$ last time")
        - Look to find "volunteer" translators
        - Schedule will be set ahead of trip, tentative
        - Shuttles
        - Breakfast, meetings and briefings at the hotel
        - wants to invite game market people to a nice dinner
        - 14k$ aside for this whole trip
            - 2 booths for 10k$ ("maybe a little less")
            - Package deal, but we need graphics, and building the booth also has costs
        - Whats "your" cost?
            - remember, step grant!
            - airfare to tokyo and back
            - transportation (60$ estimate)
            - most lunches and dinners ("cant cover all the food")
            - ship your own games
            - stuff on your own time
            - A Document will be put together
            - Asakusa View Hotel, 20-25 mins from the convention center.
                - near temples, and eateries and other fun stuff
                - last time it was 188$ a night, the dollar is really good in Japan right now.
                - great view
            - Flight, round trip (1200$ weekday / 1500$ weekend)
            - Calendar will be built ahead of time.
            - Meetings with Jelly Jelly
    - Deadlines:
        - Nov 28th: an answer...
            - Steph dropping booth price, paying for booth
            - Know booth name
            - Confidence of at least 6 companies are going
        - Get interest form up by monday
            - push hard on visibility as this is during November / Thanksgiving
            *** Get that form up by monday: Nicole and Mike
            *** Steph: getting the schedule to mike by EOD Nov 17th
            *** Mike: Email written ready to go out soon, by EOD Nov 21st
        - Randy Bowlerjack (sp?): conserns about trip
            - Secretaries time
                - it's an election year, maybe keep that in mind?
                - Steph: Sec is not worried. He'll be there the whole time
            - We're looking at this trip/booth operationally, he's wondering about our communications
                - needs to be a win for us AND the secretaries office
                - focus on the thing is justified not just us, but the office as well.
                ~~~ Mark this point as a note for future meetings and to be brought up in conversion with Ross at least for further discussion 
- Nicole to develop trip acceptance criteria
    - What mike has put together is great already
    - Talk about:
        - Can they do costs?
        - Gauge interest?
        - represent their business
        - already translated, or can speak japanese?
    - Mike: Shane on call monday
        - Nicole ok'd
    - form hosted on Lone Shark Website? Problems?
        - Beau: as long as exec team is aware of where it is being hosted, that should be fine. Also be aware of potential audit risk if breach or something bad happening.
- Step grant research
    - Mike: no update
Mike stating for the record, a post morning open bar meeting was risky ( as Ross is absent and assumed hungover :P )

New Business (15 minutes)
- <none>

Set Next Date (5 minutes)
- December 1st
    - Shane from Loan Shark Games invited next one
- Breaks?
    - Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years - all one day each

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