Event and Trade: March 5, 2024

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EAT Committee Meeting March 5,2024

In Attendance: David, Stephanie, Nicole, Mike Secretary: Nicole Jekich

Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements (5 minutes)

Old Business (45 minutes)

Japan Trip:

General update from Stephanie/Sec. Hobbs (if in attendance)

  • Different digital service for meetings. Not the gold key service.

Update on companies attending (Stephanie & Nicole)

  • No GTS representative. Not sure if they will send someone. Mike confirmed w/ convo that GTS is not going.
  • Violet Daisy (backed out from in-person attendance) - talk more about demo staff resources

Step Grants and EVP update

Japan Consul General Meeting on Japanese Protocol

  • March 14th confirmed date, secretary will be in attendance
  • Stephanie to send the meeting invite

Visas/Cert of Eligibility/PoS Update (Mike & Stephanie)

Update from workgroup (Mike)

  • Filled out a form and is waiting on details. Will get info into a document.
  • Flagged that tracking history for SOP it would be helpful to have slack with history. First we need to raise funds since we were First need money.
Next Steps/Action Items

Tacoma Lunch and Learn Report (Ross) No info provided at this meeting but event occurred last week. 3/25 Game Day Lunch in Bellevue (Stephanie) Ross follow up needed for outreach to people in the org. **Commitment by Nicole Post announcement in TGA chat **Resources are people slack, not a lot of outreach at the time Put the information in the events channel of the legislatures in attendance **Stephanie to post

Other Conventions Updates (all):

ECCC Secretary is on a panel 11:15am at ECCC about Libraries. Check out the instagram reels w/ the Secretary! Mike Selinker on Sunday, Nicole on Saturday/Sunday and bring prints of brochures. Gen Con Arclight note about attending conventions, table trade?

  • Not too clear on what they were asking. **Mike will bring it up again at the next meeting.
  • David mentioned that history in this ask from Patrick. Like a convention event trade where GenCon goes to Game Market and Game Market goes to Gen Con. Maybe a future Japanese pavilion section to showcase a Japanese
  • There are ex-Arclight people coming to Gen Con this year.
  • A recommendation and opportunity to panel. Chris can participate. Would need to produce the panel and coordinate with David.

Pax West Maybe doing a panel with the Secretary. Submissions have not gone live yet.

Other Trade Missions (all):

Essen Trade Mission Update -

    • Commitment to reach out to Ross, set up the form and start outreach ASAP

Thing 12, Coyote and Crow confirmed Need 6 before we move forward to commerce. April 30th in Japan. Need deadline for April 15th!!

Chris: offsite activities? Stephanie: Poland consul, CartaMundi connections and visit. We want to expand. Commerce wants to attend Essen. 95% chance the Secretary will attend. David notes: conventions in Europe and Asia and is creating new opportunities. Lots of companies at the Poland convention for example. We should look at this.

New Business (15 minutes)

Create a social media presence (includes existing tik tok) Secretary of states office + Nicole J for social media and comms during the Tokyo trip ** Stephanie to set something up.

Commitments Review (5 minutes)

New Commitments Review

Set Next Date (5 minutes)

Calendar says March 15