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Elections are upon us!

2024 Election Schedule

Nominations Open: Jan 9th - 19th at 6pm

Voting Period: Jan 22nd-Jan 29th midnight PST

Winners Announced: February 1st time TBA

Election FAQ

Who is eligible to vote?

For the purposes of this election, all industry folks who have been invited to participate in this group will be considered voting members. You can view the current list of voting members here: Voting Member Roll:

If someone is missing that should be on this list, please notify #board-executive and we will fix it!

Who can be nominated?

Any individual may be nominated provided that live in Washington State and meet one of the following requirements:

1. They are a Tabletop Game Professional (ie: earn income from tabletop games)

2. They are an Educator or Scholar working in the field of tabletop games

For the full terms check out article 2.1 of the bylaws:

Can I nominate someone who is not currently a member?


How do I nominate someone?

To be considered a candidate, an individual must be nominated by 2 voting members. To nominate someone, Post the name of the individual you are nomination and the office you are nominating them for in the #election channel. Feel free also to share why you think they would be a good fit for this office.

To second another nomination, post a reply to the original nomination stating your support.

What Offices are Up For Election?

The following offices are up for election. They are all 3 year terms.

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Director of Communications

When do nominations close?

Nominations close Friday the 19th at 6pm

How do I vote?

Electronic Ballots will go out via email to all voting members on Monday January 22nd. We will be using ranked-choice voting, so individuals will be able to rank their top 3 choices for each office.

When is the voting deadline?

The voting deadline is Monday Jan 29th at midnight PST.

When will winners be announced?

Winners of the election will be announced at our Annual Meeting Thursday Feb 1st  time TBA.

Are any of the present officers running for reelection?

Rei and I were both nominated and seconded earlier this month and will be running for re-election for our current offices. The other offices do not currently have any candidates.Let me know if you have any questions! (edited)