Creative Professional Board

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The Board

Beau Johnson - Executive Chair

Early Mission

"Give voice to creative professionals in the tabletop industry. To help establish opportunities and resources for professionals in the tabletop industry."

Who is this board for?

This board is for those in the tabletop / gaming industry: Designers, Artists, Writers and the tabletop gaming community at large.

Early Goals / Plans

(These are early items and may change as the board forms and meetings occur)

  • Mentorship programs
  • Artist programs (think: grants to help artists partner with designers instead of using AI)
  • Industry connections (think: meet and greet speed dating, job openings, etc)
  • TGA Summit
  • How-tos for various industry items (kickstarter,
  • TGA Member events
  • Trip opportunities for professionals (think: Tokyo Game Market 2024, Essen 2025)