5/14 Meeting

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Notes from 5/14 meeting with Nicole and Stephanie

  • Confirmed that Japan business spreadsheet was passed along to Stephanie.
    • Feedback in-progress for the Tokyo trade mission. OSoS office wants to schedule a meeting to gather feedback.
  • Confirmed that candidates have been notified. Ross and Eric Yurko included. Commerce/Execs have confirmed.
    • Likely to include Cherry Picked and Flatout Games again if they are available.
    • *Nicole to confirm if Eric needs a table at Essen. Is he demoing or displaying anything?
  • Confirmed that in 1-2 weeks we'll have Tokyo trade mission cost breakdown to share with candidates. List needs to be officially approved by executive. *Stephanie will provide when cost list is approved.
  • ETA on first trade mission group call? Try for end of May/early June. *Nicole to send a doodle poll to recommend times to set up the first and recurring meeting.
  • Confirming a booth manager is priority. *Stephanie has a candidate. May need help with alternates.
  • Confirming hotels/lodging is priority. *Stephanie and Anne working on finding a block of rooms in nearby city.
  • STEP Grant - Can TGA apply for this trade mission?

Confirmed our next meeting on Monday 5/20