Tokyo Game Market 4/2024

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Exporting Goods

Notes from Ross at Deernicorn who handled the export process.

-The pallet is a heavier than accounted for here. I’m personally not too concerned but Next time we do this I’ll weigh product as we receive it and do a better job with our intake accounting.

-It was more expensive than I originally thought. This was part my fault, I read the invoice incorrectly. It was also partly because we ended up shipping 2x the weight we were originally quoted for. I’ll be able to give a more accurate quote next time

-Having a set form for the commercial invoice that folks can fill out will make things smoother

-The handling / customs form prep / pallet packing took a fair amount of labor. I’m happy to donate that cost (about $100 for us), just including it here for future bookkeeping.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns! I’ll invoice folks likely tomorrow if I can squeeze it in.