May 17, 2024

From Tabletop Game Alliance
Revision as of 12:06, 17 May 2024 by Beaujohnson (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<nowiki>-------------------</nowiki> <nowiki>***</nowiki> are Commitments <nowiki>~~~ are focus points</nowiki> <nowiki>-------------------</nowiki> May 3rd, 2024 @ 11am Events and Trade Mission Committee Chair: David Hoppe Notetaking: Beau Johnson Attendees: David Hoppe, Beau Johnson, Ross Cowman, Chris Pramas, Nicole Jekich Missing:  Sec. Steve Hobbs, Stephanie Prentice, Mike Selinker, Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements (5 minutes) - Old Business (35...")
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*** are Commitments

~~~ are focus points


May 3rd, 2024 @ 11am

Events and Trade Mission Committee

Chair: David Hoppe

Notetaking: Beau Johnson

Attendees: David Hoppe, Beau Johnson, Ross Cowman, Chris Pramas, Nicole Jekich

Missing:  Sec. Steve Hobbs, Stephanie Prentice, Mike Selinker,

Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements (5 minutes)

- Old Business (35 minutes)

JTM Follow-ups:

    SOS office not present for meeting, but there would be an hour talking about it in the future.

    Future discussions, SOS invites will likely be best for schedules etc.

Final updates, follow-ups or reports from the trip (All)


Report to SOS Office

    Ross: Debrief sheet posted up

Confirm Mike replacement

    *** David can reach out to Mike about membership on this committee

    Nicole would take over role on Essen

Trade Mission Partnership Agreement (Ross)

Internal debrief form (Nicole): Follow-up

    Nicole remains on point for feedback process

    A week to fill it out.

    The form is more details on TGA's involvement and SOS trade mission, success overall

Japan Games Market Meetup - (Ross) Happening?

    Might end up doing something local to Olympia, but not in Seattle

Essen Update (SOS office)

    SOS missing

    To be done: (ideally) Communications, Agreement (how TGA involved),

        David: Is this TGA or collection of companies going or both, or with SOS office too?

            Is TGA membership required for these trips?

            TGA reviewed games and opportunities

        David: as an org, insurance and other concerns and questions appear

        ~~~ We need an operating agreement of the SOS office and the TGA

    ~~~ David: Have a communication with SOS office clarifying the role?

        Ross: What does it mean for the TGA when going on a SOS trade mission (communication and consent)

Candidate Review (Nicole)

    Ross: confirm approvals to fill out form, invited on recommended list

    Got enough people they feel fine about it

    (Steve said): 1. A bigger trip, 2. SOS total operations control on trip (more details TBD)

EAT Committee Company recommendations

Gen Con - Time is running short!

    Ross: help out arclight as much as possible

    David: I can work with them and help

        Ross: Arclight - Zoom call meet and greet ahead of time, no booth but get industry guest status?, seminar or talk or panel ('share what we learned')

        David: Some avenues it might be too late for some, we'll look into it

        *** David and Ross: at least get a meeting to start

Trade Missions - What Trade Missions should the TGA consider for 2025?

    Revisit next time, but we need to talk about it ASAP

Support for Visiting Industry Professionals (Ross)

    Ross: had a lot of good meetings, looking into offerings of a 'welcome wagon / hospitality protocol' for people looking to come to washington state

New Business (15 minutes)


Commitments Review (5 minutes)

New Commitments Review

Set Next Date (2 minutes)

Calendar says May 31

- Confirmed!