Event and Trade: March 29, 2024

From Tabletop Game Alliance
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TGA EAT 3/29 Notes David, Steve, Stephanie, Ross, Chris, Mike, Nicole Acting Secretary: Nicole

Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements (5 minutes) - Check in with folks on how they’re doing!

Old Business (45 minutes) Game Day Lunch in Bellevue (Stephanie) - Mike: AI and creative arts discussion from Chris, Rep. Cindy Ryu (heads the AI task force) and identified creative task force. Representation at the state level. - Chris mentioned Nicole L would be interested. - Want to get together and talk about it. See if we can have 3 open seats for community seats. - Ross: AI convo too, we have her contact info. Want someone whose role to represent TGA, and others for representing self/company. Publishers and creative professionals are identified two potential types of representation. Responsibility to have specific talking points for the TGA org representation. - Is there a Legislative committee reforming? Currently

   - Possible a Legislative work group for day on the hill
   - Group would canvas the membership, research the bills/legislation
   - We need to grow to more members.
   - Currently the board taking on these duties. 
   - **Commitment: to the board to nominate someone to represent the TGA to the AI task force. Ross to commit this and work to develop protocol
   - **Commitment: Mike to reach out to Rep Ryu to start conversation

- Steve: note that there are deadlines for this task force.

   - Will write an official letter as a recommendation to the people who do the appointments to the task force
   - Reps didn’t realize the analog and digital connection of games.
   - Excited to learn about this industry 
   - R&D tax credit from Noelle in regards to new games research.
   - Mike: incentive structures was also a discussion.
   - Independent contractor laws brought up
   - Asked WotC to be on the TGA, contacts to be shared between Steve/Mike/Ross

- Ross: we have a good contact for card kingdom - Lyla

Japan Trip: Workgroup update (Mike) - Meeting at 11:30 today for details - TikTok download and repost on Facebook/instagram General update from Stephanie/Sec. Hobbs (if in attendance) Social media coordination - Nicole/Ross/OSoS Last-minute action items (all)

Other Conventions Updates (all): Gen Con - David: Trade day, recruiting event, details to be figured out after Japan trip. August 1st - August 4th - Steve: maybe send government people to Gen Con Pax West - Possibility of doing a legislative tour during this convention w/ final destination is PAX. - Logistics will be decided. - PlaytestNW a good partner if looking for WA state designers desired at a PAX

   - David: Figure out the tentpole event at GenCon and repeat that at PAXWest.
   - Ross: organizing public/private organizing David: maybe hard to do if
   - Mike: could be a booth or piggyback off the booth of a company.

GeekGirlCon (Nov 9-10) - David: EAT logisitics, deadlines, and setting up the event is this body. Membership is the education, outreach materials, execution of the event. - Ross: looking to recruit others.

   - **Commitment Nicole to bring to the Membership board: Presence at conferences, and a replicated program. Bring this to the Membership Committee on 

Other Trade Missions (all): Essen Trade Mission Update - Meet April 16th w/ Commerce. We want 6 companies.

   - Thing 12, Coyote Crow, Mike if needed, Chris if needed
   - April 3rd deadline confirmed
   - Alternate list
   - Suggest a media contact to give value to the host countries

- Mike: would like to have a budget before

   - TGA covered, state will cover, and publisher responsibility, general funds, STEP grant,
   - SOP will help to identify costs and line items to help w/ future trade missions
   - **Commitment to agenda: Post Mortem on the Japan trade mission

New Business (15 minutes) Steve: recruit help and advice. Putting together a long term plan for events and trade and budget from OSoS - China trade mission for the future - Need reporting requirement for international threshold in order to get STEP grants and justify bringing OSoS to GenCon. That’s an ask of Commerce that OSoS is heading up.

Ross: UK Games Expo is that important for others besides TTRPG groups? - Possibly sync up with Shut Up and Sit Down connection with SHUX convention. - Believe STEP grants are applicable to SHUX since it’s in Canada

David created: cons advisory group over the pandemic. A good resource and a connection to UK Games Expo. Continued growth is likely. - If critical mass of TGA folks going to this convention, we can consolidate efforts

    • Program development on the programs we want to do and bring to membership.

Commitments Review (5 minutes) New Commitments Review

Set Next Date (5 minutes) - Calendar says April 12 & April 26th (Hoppe cannot attend, Ross is getting married) - Skip the next meeting and reconvene post-Japan - Next meeting is Friday, May 3rd at 11.