Step Voucher Program

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The Export Voucher is a federal program administered by the Washington State Department of Commerce to help small business gain a foothold in international markets.

The program is funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration’s "State Trade Expansion Program" and is also referred to as a STEP Voucher or a STEP grant. The state typically awards qualifying companies $2,000 to attend a game convention where there is significant international trade opportunities.

The full description of the program is here:

Some notable points:

  • You must be approved BEFORE you start spending money
  • Approval time ranges from 2-4 weeks
  • The voucher does not cover hotel / lodging fees
  • The voucher will pay for translation of marketing materials and shipment of product samples
  • You will need to Aquire a UEI Number to apply (or DUNS but a UEI is easier)
  • They favor companies who manufacture their products domestically

Application Guide

Export Voucher Application Link

DUNS or UEI Number:

DUNS application website (free option takes up to 30 business days)

UEI application website The best option if you don't have a number already. Government run program to help vet recipients of federal funds. takes about 10-20 min to complete. You have to both apply for the number then register your organization which includes giving them tax and banking info.


339930 (recommended for the tabletop industry)