Event and Trade: January 19th, 2024

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Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements (5 minutes)
Old Business (45 minutes)
    Membership Meeting and February Day on the Hill (2/1/24)
        Update on logistics (Ross)
            Confirm this plan:
            Briefing in morning at SoS office
            Meetings with legislators
            Lunch downtown (SoS office available for this)
            Meetings with legislators
            4pm Setup for Game Night
            5pm-7pm Game Night
        Update from SoS office.
    Japan Trip:
        Update from workgroup (Mike)
        Update from Stephanie/Sec. Hobbs (if in attendance)
            Calendar of event
        Update on companies attending/committed/addition of Eric Yurko (via Nicole)
        Step Grants and EVP update
            TGA Budget STEP Submission (Mike/Ross)
        Marketing Materials Update
        Visas Update (Mike)
        Capturing SOPs on Wiki (Nicole)
        Next Steps
    Other Trade Missions:
        Essen 2024 participation: Any updates?
New Business (15 minutes)
Commitments Review (5 minutes)
    Old Commitments Check:
    New Commitments Review:
Set Next Date (5 minutes)
    Calendar says February 2
*** are Commitments
~~~ are deeper notes about commitment ("wont do" items, etc)

January 19th, 2024 @ 10am
Events and Trade Mission Committee
Chair: David Hoppe
Notetaking: Beau Johnson
Attendees: David Hoppe, Ross Cowman, Chris Pramas, Beau Johnson, Mike Selinker, Sec. Steve Hobbs, Stephanie Prentice

Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements (5 minutes)
Beau: we're making a new "creative group" of the TGA
Ross: Folding PtNW into TGAofWA
    Mike: designers say, join manufactures assoc designer level - and we dont really give a thing for that level.
    - "what do i get for it?" if PtNW joins it gives more incentive to those designers joining TGA

Old Business (45 minutes)
    - Membership Meeting and February Day on the Hill:
        - Ross: Scheduled, but ross is lobbying and conversing with people
        - Airtable setup
        - In process of emailing people
        - connecting people over email and asking for help
         *** Ask: template and a list of people to email and their reps are. Need people to send out talking points and hooks
         *** Mike: commitment!
        - Logistics are on track
        - Lunch will be served for lunch, dietary options available.
        - Steve H: some people have announced excitement
        - : Good mix of legislators, excited for game night
        - Steph: March 25, legislators invited to visit pokemon, wotc (similar tour last year for consul generals), lunch at archives
            - Mike: Landlord offered to get out of lease, loanshark no office likely in the future.
            - Steph: we used you too much for Japan :D
        - Chris: Talking to WA community action network - lobbing for SB 5241 'keep our care act' - mentioning when i'm meeting with my reps
            - May have "extra letters" after but that's shows where it came from (origin of the bill)
        - Mike: Starts early in the morning?
            - Ross: starts at 9am, 9-10 intros at SOS office & briefing
        - Mike: calling a meeting on how things get done:
            - Reg number: 001
            - Selected for the event!
        - Important: Booth outline
            - We had a template, arclight liked it, clip off some end sections to make space
            - need to layout as if that's going to happen, "this company is here" - we need defined attendants (deadline feb 1st)
                - Steph: On list 5 - 2 maybes
                - : Want 7?
                - : 2 more reached out
                - Ross: commits push
                - Steph: they gotta fill out the form
                - Ross: EOD Tuesday deadline to those people.
            - More offline to be discussed with Mike
            Mike: Catalog - when you buy a ticket to GM 12000 yen. It is your entrance to con. Info in catalog has deadlines.
            Catalog info:
                Initial deadline for front-page advertisements:January 25th (Thursday) at 14:00 JST. (Mike: not the one that matters)
                Deadline for catalog advertisement applications:January 31th (Wednesday) at 14:00 JST.
                Deadline for catalog advertisement submissions:February 13th (Wednesday) at 17:00 JST. / Complete Data Submission
                Deadline for venue map advertisement applications:March 19th (Tuesday) at 14:00 JST.
                Deadline for venue map advertisement submissions:March 26th (Tuesday) at 17:00 JST. / Complete Data Submission
            - Part of package is includes telling people we exist, and we have option for paid ads as well (unsure if needed for us)
                - Ross: are these additional money?
                *** Mike: Costs and deeper info about above deadline items? We need to figure this out early next week
                    (put together a request for a meeting to settle some of these issues of what needs to be produced and what we need to produce)
                - Ross: graphic designer on this?
                - Steve H: we do!
            - request for info and logo and they will need to be sent fairly fast.
            - Steph: our graphic designer can work with your graphic designer?
            - Mike: payment on this is good?
            - Steph: nothing to worry about, we got it
            - Mike: Visas - they are not needed to be there, however our hosts in Japan seem to think we do. Consul said to steph 'don't need to have a work visa to sell'
                - Hosts in Japan seem to think we do need work visas.
                - Steph: If you are selling, you need a work visa. We can help with expediting them. Just 'going', you do not.
                - Mike: let's talk it out over email thread
                *** Mike and Steph are working this out.
            - Steph: Email from alliance, no grant since you have not been in a year?
                - Mike and Steph will further pursue this
            - Mike: 'no way a major undertaking would be without cost'
                - Steve's office: the "year in existence" research will be done but not commitment.
            - Credit cards acceptance while there?
                - Mike: very complex tax process there (and that's fine) making an entity to accept fees and such. That still needs to be determined.
            - Steph: 21 confirmed going on trip (7 game companies, plus ones)
            - : email will be sent out
            - : march 14th, to meet in tacoma with WTC with Japanese delegation
                - also competency training, checklists, etc
                - maybe add more people to keep in loop maybe?
                - Mike: plan next month
                - Steph: meeting every other week on this what is expected
                - Book your hotel!: golden week, it changes every year (combine several holidays in a week) and hotels fill up fast. some have filled pretty fast.
                    - Hotel name and link will be sent to group from Steph
                    - 20 from GM, lots of food, lots to see and do
                    - Steph: embassy can set up gold key package (1k$) set up meeting prior to GM with publishers in Japan, who would have connections in Japan already?
                        - Ross, Flatout
                    - : Interested to meet us and meetings
            - Eric would not be able to come, maybe next year
        *** Beau (from Ross): Secretaries need to post minutes to wiki, even historical ones
        - Comms and chat (emails) will come from Steph
    Other Trade Missions
        - Essen
            - Steve: Pass!
New Business
    - silence
Commitments Review (5 minutes)
    Old Commitments Check:
    New Commitments Review:
        Connecting people with their Representatives over email and asking for help
         *** Ask: Providing a template and a list of people to email and their reps are - I need people to help send out talking points and hooks.
         *** Mike: commitment!
        Part of package is includes telling people we exist, and we have option for paid ads as well (unsure if needed for us)
        *** Mike: Costs and deeper info about above deadline items? We need to figure this out early next week
            (put together a request for a meeting to settle some of these issues of what needs to be produced and what we need to produce)
        Visas - they are not needed to be there, however our hosts in Japan seem to think we do. Consul said to steph 'don't need to have a work visa to sell'
        *** Mike and Steph are working this out.

Set Next Date
    - Feb 2 - confirmed
    - Some will be in person in Tacoma
    - Steve: The date helps keeps the pulse of what happened, and will be helpful