June 14, 2024

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  • TGA EAT Committee June 13, 2024
  • Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements (5 minutes)
    • ·     Ross attended meet and greet with Jess Bateman (Olympia state rep). Able to give her the lowdown on TGA and our work. She’s very warm to it and us.
  • Old Business (35 minutes) ·    
    • Gen Con:
    • o  Networking updates (Ross): Ross to put together a report for the TGA, encouraging others to help out/invite visiting co.’s.
    • o  Ross hoping for 2025 Gen Con “caravan.” Lots that we can do. We should start the planning soon because it takes a long time. ·    
    • Essen 2025 Update (Nicole) ·    
    • General trade mission education meeting. ·    
    • Nicole provided notes: Essen update (since I'll be missing the meeting tomorrow) o  
    • OSoS, Nicole, Mike, Nicole G at Commerce, and Patrick (Lethal Productions) met 6/13 to go over the Essen Spiel 2025 trade mission and STEP grant support for those companies still wishing to attend the 2024 Essen Spiel event. o  
    • Introductions, draft schedule, STEP grant info, and general Spiel information/experience were shared on the call.
    • Companies and/or TGA interested parties who still want to go to Essen Spiel this year should apply for STEP Grant Vouchers. Nicole G of Commerce can assist companies who have questions and is interested in finding more people who are interested in going. I can connect interested parties to Nicole G. o  
    • Plan is to connect about the 2025 trade mission closer to the 2024 Spiel event in October and after Spiel. Partick is happy to share information from his company's visit this year that will inform the future trade mission. ·    
    • Ross notes that communication expectations need to be clear and we shouldn’t take on such an operational role for trade missions in the future. ·    
    • ETX: ·    
    • Reports/general discussion: o  
    • Good turnout. Mike there. Local Democrats on hand. o  
    • Lucy Awards from Playtest NW went well (award for unpublished games). o  
    • Industry Game Night in South Sound (Ross)
    • 1.       Ross proposes picking a weekend and providing programming.
    • 1.       Prof development/Talks 2.       Staff education 3.       Studio recordings 4.       Shared meals 5.       Gaming! o  
    • Ross to take on the organizing and marketing to get people down to Olympia. o  Circling on mid-, late September 19th-20th or 26th-27th. Penciling in 27th. o  
    • Other 2024 Events
    • o  PAX West: Not planning any organized event. Chris is on a panel with SoS office.
    • o  Ross is attending Geek Girl Con (January). Looking for collaborators.
    • o  Puget Sound area meetup: Gen Con will co-host. (David)
      • 1.       Gen Con will “own” the event but give the TGA some spotlight.
      • 2.       Ross wants to expand to include more than just publishers.
      • 3.       Hoppe as Gen Con is interested in publisher focus. This is a matter of $$ support. If TGA wants to bring in a broader audience, then Hoppe wants TGA to take on more of it. ·    
    • General support for Visiting Industry Professionals o  Ross to continue this, can drop from “old business.”
  • 4.        New Business (15 minutes) o  None.
  • 5.        Commitments Review (5 minutes)
    • o  Ross to report on networking opportunities and Gen Con. o  
    • S. Sound meetup: Ross to drive. o  
    • David to get date from Gen Con for Winter Meetup, and more structure.

6.        Set Next Date (2 minutes) o  Calendar says June 28